Sunday, May 30, 2010

Design: Establishing gameplay in the tutorial

Damn Blogspot/Blogger (are they the same thing..?) not allowing me to type a title for this post.

Anyways, I think A LOT of progress has been made in the days since I last posted. Main things are fleshing out the menu to contain the level select, Biome (area) select, etc. In-game, I've added elements for collecting fruits, opening doors, reading tutorial signs, and have a pause menu. Also, I've made 4 of the 7 Biomes' backgrounds which I think are pretty good. It's a shame I have to shrink them down to fit in Competition06's 8MB limit.

Nearly completed tutorial level:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Design: New direction and 6 differently-themed environments

Well I've come to my senses and realized 80 (well, actually 81) levels is a bit too much. Instead of 10 Biomes X 8 levels each + 1 endgame, there will be 6 Biomes X 5 levels each + 2 tutorial levels + 1 endgame level. That makes a total of 33 levels--18 standard levels, 12 minigames, 2 tutorial levels, and one endgame level.

That way this game will still last a decent amount of time, not be repetitive, and still be fun.

I decided on the 6 Biomes. If you're confused about what Biomes in my game means, it's the equivalent of "world" or "area" in other games--different environments. The 6 environments will be:
- Jungle: Tribe Fuz and Tribe Skin HQ is located here (Collect Jujuberries and Strong Logs)
- Beach: an area filled with much water along with land (Collect Coconuts and Driftwood)
- Desert: vast, arid area that's pretty flat (Collect Aquifruit and Sandstone)
- Mountainous: a high-altitude setting with steep drops and heights (Collect Frostberries and Rough Stone)
- Core: underground magma-filled place with plenty of lethal lava (Collect Fireberries and Diamond)
- Aether: a peaceful environment set in the clouds (Collect Cloudpuffs and Adamantine)

Monday, May 24, 2010

First post and AtWi80D

Got a decent looking blog up which I can use to post a lot of general things that will probably relate to Game Maker.

My newest project, Around the World in 80 Days, AW80D...or AtWi80D, is planned to enter in Competition06 of YoYo Games. I've started about 3 days ago and I have the main menu up along with the game engine. Take a look!

My shiny new splash screen logo

Second splash screen showing YYG Comp06

A slick-ish new menu infected with my obsession to make all of my menus dynamic and moving 100% of the time.

Shows off the terrain system and parallax background. Terrain system's mechanism is in courtesy of Tahnok--having the ability to generate nice-looking terrain without actually creating filesize-hungry sprites. And with Comp06's 8MB limit, that's pretty important.

Water! It's water! It's beautiful although it be gray to match the style of the game! Nothing special about water, but it sure looks nice.

As I keep progressing on the game, I'll post here. I hope I won't abandon this project halfway through, but my past experiences tell me otherwise.

Copyright 2010 iluvfuz.