Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Day 32": Shmup minigame

Day 32 is finished. As the last minigame in this game, I made it as flashy as possible. It's a basic SHMUP with 3 types of enemies:
- homing, shooting enemy that takes two shots to kill (spawns every 3 seconds)
- static, 360 degree shooting enemy that takes five shots to kill (spawns every 6 seconds after 45 seconds in the game has passed)
- bouncing enemy that takes one shot to kill (spawns every second after 75 seconds in the game has passed)

There's a health powerup that spawns quite often (every 3 seconds) that adds 2 to your health. You'll need it, though, in the last 45 seconds or so when everything's pure chaos.

As always, I love making the colors change :P


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