Friday, July 16, 2010

"Day 26": Core Escape mission completed

Day 26, the Core Escape mission is complete. Though the player can escape the wall of doom, I can't escape making levels for this game. Heheheheh...

Also, Day 27 is the second part of the story, which deals mostly with the discovery part of the game. Yes...the game is superficial enough to use a superficial story as its theme.

No screenshots, but you can imagine Tribe Skin's (antagonists in this game) evil tower compared to Tribe Fuz's stout little tower. In fact, Tribe Skin managed to sell their souls so they can power their tower on the power of Hell.

I hate Blogspot. I think I'll delete this blog soon and try again. Even if I wanted to add screenshots, the picture button is gone. Along with the title form and half the buttons that are supposed to be above me.


Andrew Wickens said...

Good to see lots of progress being made. Really look forward to playing, from the looks of things it's very polished. Is there any BETA to "play" or will you release it with the finished game?

iluvfuz said...

If you want to feel free to personally ask for a beta by contacting me through:
iluvfuz at the Game Maker Community
iluvfuz at YoYo Games
iluvfuz at 64Digits

If you want to help with testing for bugs (no matter how miniscule or large your help is), notify me sometime when you have a personal beta to add your name to the Testers list.

All help is gladly accepted. If you just want to play, I don't mind also :)

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